Communicate with your real audience with a voice over artist
A lot of companies across the United States are beginning to employ a voice over professional to reach out to more diverse audiences at home, especially new markets that describe themselves as ‘heritage speakers’ behind closed doors.
Want to learn more about how professional voice over talent can help you communicate effectively with your audience? Read our blog, ‘4 good reasons to source from a professional voice over agency.’
Congress is seeking to make the most of its existing resources to improve language education in the U.S. at a time when international policy is narrowing its focus inward.
A report from the American Community Survey, recorded that more than 20% of the US population over the age of five (60 million people) speak a language other than English at home.
With those languages as diverse as French, German, Chinese and Vietnamese, it can present a sound opportunity for businesses targeting these communities to reach out with the help of a multilingual voice over artist from a global voice over agency.
How one company is using male voice over talent to build a Hispanic audience
One recent example of a company using a foreign language and a multilingual voice over artist to build better relationships with its target market is the North American Title Co., which has built a Spanish website and produced videos with a Spanish-speaking male voice over professional to reach the Hispanic community.
Over 2016, as the overall rate of national homeownership dropped, the Hispanic community was the only ethnic demographic to increase participation. With this in mind, North American Title has built a strong marketing discourse using multilingual voice over services to answer consumer questions on its YouTube videos.
They’re not the only company focusing on domestic foreign language trends to attract an audience with a targeted voice over campaign. The New York Racing Association (NYRA) is also looking to reach out to new markets and has recently announced that it’s set to produce more Spanish-language audio content to adhere to its “commitment to providing great race coverage in multiple languages.
The NYRA introduced the first Spanish language announcer at race days; again the NRYA is looking to better provide for the Hispanic community with male and female voice over talent that the competition simply doesn’t provide.

Can male and female voice over talent help preserve the USA’s language heritage?
North America has a complex relationship with languages old and new. For instance, institutions in the U.S. and Canada are getting a financial boost to preserve indigenous languages so they don’t die out, with studios and voice over production helping to keep native languages alive.
At the same time, over the border, The University of Toronto is seeing a boom in its Korean language courses. That unexpected popularity has allowed the university to better communicate with potential students, expand its language courses and introduce new modules as students look to relocate to Korea and get a job there.
Whether at home or abroad, companies and institutions are realizing that by communicating with foreign language speakers at home, they can expand their reach and cultivate new target markets that don’t necessarily have English as their first language – with help from a voice over agency.
Break into new foreign language markets on a domestic and international level with a localized voice over campaign that brings communities together.
Want to learn more about how professional voice over talent can help you communicate effectively with your audience? Read our blog, ‘4 good reasons to source from a professional voice over agency.’
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