Find voice over for your video
Is your company investing in video production? Great! Now, are you ready to take the next step with a voice over agency and better capture your audience’s imagination? Find voice over for your video.
A great voice over can make any product more relatable to your consumer. For more information on how voice over artists can benefit your brand, read our blog: ‘Win consumer trust with professional voice over talent.’
Online video marketing is an enormous industry, and it’s getting bigger. Many brands are leveraging the power of social media and platforms such as YouTube to address their audience where these individuals are increasingly choosing to spend their time.
Meanwhile, technological advances such as 360-degree cameras, GoPro gadgets, video blogs and virtual reality headsets are also helping brands to connect with their audience in unique and exciting ways. The sky really is the limit – but first let’s consider the basics, such as language.
Why it’s worth investing in voice over for your video
More and more brands are realising just how many potential new customers they can reach out to, especially with the boom of smartphone and tablet technology. This year, video content is expected to represent 74% of all internet traffic, according to KPCB.
In fact, four times as many consumers say they would prefer to watch a video about a product than read about it. Marketing platform HubSpot also points out that 64% of users are more likely to buy a product online after watching a video. The potential of video marketing can totally transform any sales funnel if done correctly.
Repurpose existing video content with voice over
It’s not too late to join the revolution if you’ve yet to produce your own commercial videos. As people get more accustomed to consuming content in video format, they’ll start to expect it from your industry too.
Even if you have already been producing a large amount of video content as part of your marketing strategy, you could still benefit from the services of a voice over agency. By repurposing your existing content and presenting it in multiple languages, you can attract a brand new audience and enter different markets. Better yet, use a video translation service to avoid splashing the cash on multiple reshoots of costly and time-consuming video advertising.
Using a voice over agency to harness the power of Facebook
YouTube isn’t the only platform to watch video on, though. Millions across the globe watch videos on Facebook every day. The platform’s impressive targeting tools can allow you to reach out to any audience on the planet with very refined profiling techniques.
Implementing localised video advertising on Facebook, using a professional voice over and regional targeting, can help you boost brand awareness in foreign communities almost instantly. Using a professional voice over that understands local dialects within those markets and can navigate the quirks of certain languages can also add authority to your videos and your brand overall.
There’s little doubt about the importance of video when it comes to commercial growth online. Whether your business is just starting out with video content or looking to take the next step and enter foreign markets, a video voice over agency can provide you with credibility and professionalism, and help you stand out on popular platforms like YouTube and Facebook.
Looking for a voice over for video marketing?
Voice Talent Online are multilingual specialists, trusted by Google and VW to translate video content into new languages. Over 1,500 voice over artists are available in our directory to help your brand grow in foreign markets. Contact us to find out more.
A great voice over can make any product more relatable to your consumer. For more information on how to find voice over for your video and how artists can benefit your brand, read our blog: ‘Win consumer trust with professional voice over talent.’
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